Creating D-Tree Menu in your blog Page Element
Actually, Creating D-Tree Menu is an alternative way to your blog but I think this is very important to show our blog content to the readers. I try to look for the script which provides this kind of tool and there are some ways how to put it in our blog.
In this case, Tips of blog will show you how to create it for your blog without thinking about how to put it in your blog HTML like above of <head> or </body> and so on. That's very easy to make D-Tree Menu because you just copy and paste the script in your blog Page Element.
Before I give the way, this is the example of D-tree Menu that will appear in your blog.
Well, Here is the way and the script of this D-Tree Menu. Put the Script below on your Page Element. You can put it anywhere as long as you will :)
<a href="javascript: d.openAll();">Open all</a> | <a href="javascript: d.closeAll();">Close all</a><br/> <!-- start dtree --> <div style="text-align: left; padding-left: 6px;"> <script src="" type="text/javascript"> </script> <div style="padding-top: 6px; width: 180px;" class="dtree"> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- d = new dTree('d'); d.add(0,-1,'Title', 'Your URL','','','', ''); //menu d.add(10, 0,'Menu 1', '','','','', ''); d.add(11, 10,'Sub Menu 1', 'Sub Menu 1 URL','','','', ''); d.add(12, 10,'Sub Menu 1', 'Sub Menu 1 URL','','','', ''); d.add(20, 0,'Menu 2', '','','','', ''); d.add(21, 20,'Sub Menu 2', 'Sub Menu 2 URL','','','', ''); d.add(22, 20,'Sub Menu 2', 'Sub Menu 2 URL','','','', ''); d.add(30, 0,'Menu 3', '','','','', ''); d.add(31, 30,'Sub Menu 3', 'Sub Menu 3 URL','','','', ''); d.add(32, 30,'Sub Menu 3', 'Sub Menu 3 URL','','','', ''); d.add(90, 0,'Your Title 1', 'Your Title URL 1','','','', ''); d.add(91, 0,'Your Title 2', 'Your Title URL 2','','','', ''); d.add(93, 0,'Your Title 3', 'Your Title URL 3','','','', ''); document.write(d); //--> </script> </div> </div> <!-- end dtree --></td>Copy Paste this Code and You need to change the Title and URL in Red Color and You can also add the Menu as well. Good Luck and Enjoy !
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